MCC offers our members working in a career center-related capacity the chance to attend a professional development event that is funded by the organization.
Who is eligible?
- Anyone working in a career center-related capacity in an MCC institution career center (directors are not eligible)
- Preference will be given to professionals relatively new to the field.
What type of professional development experience can the scholarship be applied to?
- Conferences (local, regional, national)
- Training (NACE MLI, Intensive Career Coaching, etc.)
- Webinars
- Certification Training (GCDF, MBTI, etc.)
Application Process
- Letter of support for the applicant from the center’s director, including what costs (if any) associated with the professional development experience the center will/can cover and the impact this professional development experience will have on the applicant and their center
- Application form completed by the applicant which includes an essay describing the value of the particular professional development experience, the impact on the individual’s career, and plans for giving back to MCC (i.e., presentation at the MCC Professional Development Day, etc.)
- Applicant’s resume